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Vestry Meeting Highlights

Vestry Meeting Highlights

Each month, the Vestry provides an executive summary of their meeting. The Vestry trusts that these monthly highlights will provide St. Clarians with a fuller understanding of what the Vestry is focusing on and the decisions that are being made. We welcome your feedback (email addresses of vestry wardens are listed on the back of the bulletin; email addresses of all vestry members are included in each edition of the Vestry Meeting Highlights). Click the image for details.

Vestry Nominations

Vestry Nominations

The vestry is seeking nominees for next year. Four members are completing their terms, and we hope to fill their shoes with the excellent mixture of new voices, long wisdom, and good cheer that makes St. Clare's such a lovely place. The vestry commitment is 3 years,...



What does “Communication” mean for St. Clarians? It means a lot of different things at different times and places. For Rev. Anne—when she is leading our worship services—it means all the reading, preaching, praying, and blessing of the Eucharist that we receive as...

St. Clare’s Mutual Ministry Review Results

St. Clare’s Mutual Ministry Review Results

A Mutual Ministry Review (MMR) is an opportunity for a rector and vestry to review their work together. St. Clarians were invited to participate in a survey to provide congregational feedback for the MMR that Rev. Anne and the vestry held in June. The survey had 17...

Nominees for 2023

Nominees for 2023

The Vestry is pleased to present the following nominees for election to St. Clare’s Vestry. Outgoing and continuing Vestry members are listed below. Eligible voters are 16 years of age or older, in the congregation at least 6 months, and faithful in worship, working,...

The Learned Theologians

The Learned Theologians

Sometimes, when you are writing a newsletter article, you find yourself six paragraphs and several hours deep in very boring theological hairsplitting. That is generally a good time to bail on the whole enterprise. If you’re lucky, you already have something written...



St. Clare’s recently revised our bylaws. I wanted to understand the roots of the term, so I went first to the dictionary. Oxford Language says a bylaw is "a rule made by a company or society to control the actions of its members." Webster says a bylaw is "a rule...

Amending St. Clare’s Bylaws

Amending St. Clare’s Bylaws

this post was updated on Jan 21, 2022: the proposed bylaws have been updated following a review on January 5 by interested congregants and subsequent approval by Vestry on January 19 An item on the agenda of the January 30, 2022, Annual Meeting will be a vote on a...

Vestry 2022-2024

Vestry 2022-2024

Announcing a wonderful opportunity! Dear fellow parishioners,  It is time, once again, to consider nominees for our upcoming Vestry elections. As you likely know, membership on the Vestry is for a three year term, and is a wonderful opportunity to serve in a...

The Strength of a Circle

The Strength of a Circle

For the past few years I have subscribed to an online program called Advent Word. Each day of Advent, a special word and a brief reflection is delivered to my inbox. A few days ago, the word was “strength” and, in the reflection, Kathy Wilder spoke of the strength of...

Vaccine Hesitancy

Vaccine Hesitancy

Hello, beloved St. Clarians, I wanted to write this month’s Vestry Corner about vaccination and vaccine hesitancy. I’m so happy to have had my vaccine and to soon be rejoining in-person activities such as services at St. Clare’s! With some people in my family hesitant...

Safe Church

Safe Church

Living into our Baptismal Covenant, the Episcopal Diocese of Michigan, and its affiliated congregations, and other entities, strive for justice and peace among all people. The obligation to seek and serve Christ in all persons and to respect the dignity of every human...