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New Monthly Newsletter on Ann Arbor Climate Action

New Monthly Newsletter on Ann Arbor Climate Action

Get all the news about climate action events in our community in one place!  Get this month's edition of the Ann Arbor: Climate Action City, USA newsletter here: https://www.climateactioncityusa.com/



The Fourth Annual A2ZERO Week takes place June 9-15!  Celebrate our sustainable community by attending events centered on environmental and climate action. Start the week by taking the Zero Food Waste Challenge and get ready to complete your Passport to Fun to enter...

Plant-Based Cooking Demo, Food Distribution, and Presentations

Plant-Based Cooking Demo, Food Distribution, and Presentations

Sunday, February 11, 1 to 3 p.m. in the Social Hall. Join us for a FREE plant-based snack potluck, presentations from VegMichigan and a local congregation member, and a cooking demonstration by The Platinum Chef, Rhoda St. Luce. Registration is required to attend and/or receive a FREE customized starter bag for the 30-Day Plant-Based Eating Pledge. Click the headline or image to find the registration link.

Sustainable Gift Guide

Sustainable Gift Guide

During this season of gift exchange, we hope you find these suggestions useful now and throughout the year.
The Gift of Thrifting
The Gift of Less
The Gift of a Donation
The Gift of Repair
The Gift of Food
The Gift of Personal Care
The Gift of Learning
The Gift of Time
The Gift of Simplicity

Make Your Christmas Greener!

Make Your Christmas Greener!

After the 10:30 service on Sunday, December 17, join us to learn how to wrap presents with fabric. Since fabric can be reused, this is one small way to be greener. Join us in the coffee hour area to see the demo. Bring a package and scissors if you want to wrap...

Upcoming A2Zero Events

Upcoming A2Zero Events

9/14 Local Food Festival: Local Food Festival (a2gov.org) 9/22 Green Fair: a2gov.org/greenfair - find free, family-friendly ways to learn more about sustainable living and climate action!

A2 Climate Teach-In

A2 Climate Teach-In

The biggest threat to our future is thinking that someone else will lead — that someone else will solve the climate crisis.

Electrifying Your Space

Electrifying Your Space

The annual A2ZERO Sustainability Forum Series is back in 2023 and this year we're hybrid! Join us online or at AADL Downtown 6 to 8 p.m. on Wednesday, March 29.  The March event, titled "Re-Charged Home Electrification: New Funding and Opportunities for Electrifying...



Ever wondered about gas vs electric appliances? Learn more about the safety benefits, technologies, installation specifications, and operational costs to decide if going electric makes sense for any of your home appliances at the Home Electrification Expo on July 15!...