2021 Vestry Nominees

The Vestry is pleased to present the nominees for election to St. Clare’s Vestry. Below are six candidates for four three-year terms. Outgoing and continuing Vestry members are listed below. Jim Downward In 1971, I joined St. Clare’s immediately after graduating...

There’s a day after…

Dear Friends, I read an interesting interview with three university presidents talking about their decision to close or open in the fall.  Chancellor Carol Christ of Berkeley said two things that resonated with me and I believe apply at St. Clare’s...

Vote on August 4

Michigan’s Primary Election will be held on Tuesday Aug. 4.  Regardless of your political position, hopefully you feel that the democratic governance of our county is best driven by a population exercising their right to vote, and more importantly, their...

Musical Meditations

Over the coming days and weeks, I’ll be posting Musical Meditations (improvisations from my living room) online for those who are interested. I have no plan for how many, when or what – somewhat reflective of the new normal for everyone right now –...