Vestry Meeting Highlights

Fun Fact: Did you know that the Vestry is so named because early leadership committees tended to meet in the room where people donned their vestments for services? Use the links below to access highlights of recent Vestry Meetings. April 2024March 2024February...

Vestry Nominations

The vestry is seeking nominees for next year. Four members are completing their terms, and we hope to fill their shoes with the excellent mixture of new voices, long wisdom, and good cheer that makes St. Clare’s such a lovely place. The vestry commitment is 3...


What does “Communication” mean for St. Clarians? It means a lot of different things at different times and places. For Rev. Anne—when she is leading our worship services—it means all the reading, preaching, praying, and blessing of the Eucharist that we receive as...

St. Clare’s Mutual Ministry Review Results

A Mutual Ministry Review (MMR) is an opportunity for a rector and vestry to review their work together. St. Clarians were invited to participate in a survey to provide congregational feedback for the MMR that Rev. Anne and the vestry held in June. The survey had 17...

Nominees for 2023

The Vestry is pleased to present the following nominees for election to St. Clare’s Vestry. Outgoing and continuing Vestry members are listed below. Eligible voters are 16 years of age or older, in the congregation at least 6 months, and faithful in worship, working,...

The Learned Theologians

Sometimes, when you are writing a newsletter article, you find yourself six paragraphs and several hours deep in very boring theological hairsplitting. That is generally a good time to bail on the whole enterprise. If you’re lucky, you already have something written...