New COVID policy, effective April 30

The vestry, following a congregational survey and interviews with those who identified themselves as more cautious and willing to be interviewed, updated our COVID policy. The new policy is summarized in the graphic below and was effective April 30. We are currently...

What’s a Verger?

Verger: that person in a black robe who sits next to me (Rev. Anne) on Sundays! What’s it like to serve as a verger at St. Clare’s? It’s not that difficult, but it is very important. It’s also an embodiment, in our common worship, of St. Clare’s tradition...

Spiritual Communion This Lent

The day that I announced that I was leaving Grace Church in California and that you all announced that you’d called me as your rector was a great but also very long day. Myles and I woke up super early that morning to FaceTime with a realtor who was showing us the...

Summer Seminarian: Housing Connection Needed

We have the opportunity to have a summer seminarian this summer at St. Clare’s! There is a diocesan grant available to help us with the cost, but to make this opportunity financially feasible, we need to find free or lower cost, furnished housing in the Ann Arbor area...


It’s a bit of a cliché, but a useful one in this season: we need invitations to slow down and take a breath! Each of us needs this invitation in different ways, and we probably each know a person who might need to hear that invitation from you. So here are a few...