Supporting Each Other

We’ve created an online sign up to connect members of our community who need help with those who can provide support. You can sign up to help here: Check back regularly for updates.We encourage you to reach out to friends and...

Spiritual Resources Available Online

Deacon Intern Kelly Scheu has put together a list of spiritual resources available online that may help you during this challenging time. Morning and Evening Prayer from The Mission of St. ClareThe Daily OfficeDaily prayer and meditations from Forward MovementThe...

Corner Shower & Laundry

The Corner Shower and Laundry at St Peter’s in Detroit is up and running. They have had about 90 people use the facilities. This is an amazing mission that provides dignity to those who are forgotten on the streets of Detroit. They currently need laundry soap free of...

Jesus welcomed children and encouraged us to welcome them in his name. We believe that the body of Christ in worship is incomplete without them. The presence of children is essential for both the full congregation and for the children themselves because worship is one...