Friday, May 17, starting at 5 p.m., at the home of Mac and Carolin Dick. RSVP to Linda Klimach.

The Inez Wisdom Heritage Society is open to everyone who has included St. Clare’s in their estate planning, or who has given a special gift to one of our endowment funds in their lifetime. Please save the date for this “first in a while” celebration! We will be joined by Bishop Bonnie Perry this year!

If you’d like to learn more about including St. Clare’s in your estate plans, please visit our website or contact Sam Nuxoll of the Endowment Board. If you’ve already included St. Clare’s in your estate plan, please let us know by checking the correct box on your pledge card, or by contacting a member of the Endowment Board (Joanne Heaton (Chair), Linda Klimach (Secretary), Steve Lozano, Nick Bell, and Sam Nuxoll).