The Vestry is pleased to present the following nominees for election to St. Clare’s Vestry. Outgoing and continuing Vestry members are listed below.

Eligible voters are 16 years of age or older, in the congregation at least 6 months, and faithful in worship, working, praying, and giving for the spread of the kingdom of God.

Judy Avery

I’ve been a member of St.Clare’s for many years: when I began here we worshipped in the place that’s now the social hall, and the section where the sanctuary is now had not yet been built. During that time I’ve served as vestry member, Genesis Board member and St. Clare’s representative to Diocesan Convention. Currently I serve as verger, usher, and reader. I remained here during some hard times for our parish when others left. My intention — whether elected or not — is to support the work and worship of St. Clare’s and of Genesis, remembering our mission to Worship with Joy, Grow in Faith, and Act for Justice.

Lucia Cooper

I first joined an Episcopalian church about 35 years ago. Having been brought up as a Unitarian, I struggled with learning when to stand, when to kneel and when to sit. After mastering those skills, I became comfortable enough in my church community to join a women’s discussion group, and eventually I served on the vestry. After moving to Ann Arbor almost six years ago, I intended to sample all the local Episcopal churches, and St. Clare’s was first on my list. However, I was so impressed with St. Clare’s welcoming community and partnership with Temple Beth Emeth that I never tried any of the others.

The part of St. Clare’s mission that is closest to my heart is “Act for Justice”, and I have served on the Outreach Commission for about 5 years. The issues I am most passionate about include welcoming refugees and immigrants, ending gun violence and contested elections for the vestry.

Mark Davis-Craig

My conversations are transactional. I tend to be to the point and not talk about the weather. So my bio is bullets:

  • St Clare’s member since 2005.
  • 3 years on vestry as junior warden
  • 2 stints on Genesis board
  • Member of the parish resources and stewardship commissions
  • Diocesan convention representative once before

I do try to be friendly, even when I’m being transactional.


Loren Jackson

Age 64, Married to Mary Hampton. Three adult children ages 34, 30, 25.
I have been an Episcopalian since birth, an Engineer for 35 years,
Moved to Ann Arbor in late 1990 and have attended St. Clare’s since then.

Former member of Choir, Vestry, Youth Group leaders, Sunday School Teachers, Back Door Food Pantry Board and volunteers.

I have not been involved much in recent years and it is time to participate where I can help.

Barbara Scoville

My mother and I were baptized at the Episcopal Church of Our Savior in San Gabriel, CA on June 17, 1945. I grew up in the Episcopal Church with, I’ll admit, less enthusiasm than my parents may have hoped for. I quit going to church as soon as possible and did not return until my forties when life, not God, had brought me to my knees and since then participation in the Episcopal Church has been very important to me. I knew that St Clare’s was the place for me the minute I walked in almost 15 years ago and felt the spirit and the love. During my time here I have enjoyed working in the food pantry, with altar guild, and as a reader and intercessor but my passion is adult education and faith formation. In addition, I love researching, writing, and delivering sermons as a lay preacher. Many of these activities have been curtailed by pain and mobility issues but thanks to Zoom, we have been able to continue two Bible/book studies and, because the vestry meets on Zoom, I can run for a vestry position. If elected, I will work with others to continue our life of compassionate care and unconditional love for each other and the world.


Outgoing Vestry Members

Many thanks to those who are completing their terms on the Vestry at our upcoming annual meeting in January: Paul Holman, Barb Kilbourn, David Laurance, and Tom Rich.

Continuing Vestry Members

Term ending at our annual meeting in 2025: Peter Millar, Ann Putallaz, Debra Stevens, Cathy Stone

Term ending at our annual meeting in 2026: Barbara Beaton (completing Eliza Nuxoll’s term), Mac Dick, Susan Jones Draffen, Vera Schwankl

Nominees for Delegates to Diocesan Convention

Mark Davis-Craig, Matt Evett, David Laurance, Nancy Lewis, Ann Putallaz, Tom Rich

We send three delegates to Diocesan Convention. The three nominees who get the most votes will be considered our delegates, the remaining three will be our alternates, ready to step in if one of the delegates cannot serve.