At its June 21 meeting, the Vestry will be participating in a Mutual Ministry Review. The purpose of a Mutual Ministry Review is for the rector and vestry to intentionally and thoughtfully review their work and ministry together over the course of the past year. This is a process that most congregations do every year, and which we will continue to do every year, discerning the exact form and focus based on what’s going on in the congregation.

This year, nearly 18 months into our new rector transition, our focus will be on the development of trust among the rector, vestry, and whole congregation. Given this focus, we wanted to give an opportunity for the whole congregation to share in this process through a survey. The greater the number of St. Clarians who respond, the more useful the congregational input for the Mutual Ministry Review will be. The vestry and Rev. Anne will review and draw learnings from the data together and discern what follow-up conversations would be most fruitful, but we will share insights from this conversation in some way with the rest of the congregation. Thank you in advance for your time!

Click here to complete the survey. The survey will close on June 12.