A huge thank you to all of you who agreed to serve on vestry, to serve as a delegate to Diocesan Convention, or to serve on the Genesis Board. We can’t do what we do without you!

At our Annual Meeting on January 22, we elected four people to 3-year terms on vestry starting now, 3 people to serve as our representatives at this fall’s Diocesan Convention, and 1 person to the Genesis Board starting July 1. Results follow.

VESTRY: new members are Mac Dick, Susan Draffen, Eliza Nuxoll, and Vera Schwankl. Continuing members are Paul Holman, Barb Kilbourn, David Laurance, Peter Millar, Ann Putallaz, Tom Rich, Debra Stevens, and Cathy Stone.

DELEGATES TO DIOCESAN CONVENTION: Linda Klimach, Bekan Hill, and David Laurance. Alternates are Judy Avery, Christine Cook, and Mark Davis-Craig.

GENESIS BOARD REPRESENTATIVE: Jim Downward was confirmed as representative to Genesis Board, beginning July 1.