Over the past few years with our transitions to VoIP phones, the hallway phones in the building ceased to operate. While most people now carry cell phones, and we have panic buttons available in various places in the building, in the interest of maximum security, we recently replaced 3 of the old phones with new VoIP phones.  

  • In the sacristy, right next to the camera display monitor on the wall
  • On the wall outside the sanctuary (from inside the sanctuary, exit the main doors, take a right and it is on the wall)
  • In the room off the social hall where the round tables and chairs are kept, on the wall to the left as you enter from the social hall.

There is a small quirk in the way the phones are setup for emergency-only dialing: when you pick up the phone you do not get a dial tone, but rather 3 short beeps. You will see a prominent label on each phone explaining this: For Emergencies: after the 3 short beeps, dial 911.