I’ve enjoyed the time to connect on Sunday mornings and with many of you through commission meetings, but I’ve been looking forward to this invitation since before I arrived: Sign up for a meeting so we can get to know each other! I hope to connect individually (or as households/families) with each of you in the months ahead, to hear your story and answer any questions you have about mine. It will take a while to get to everyone, but I’m excited to get started, as this is one of the most life-giving parts of ministry for me.

Hopefully, one day soon I can accept an invitation to your home or welcome you to sit in my office without our worrying as much about COVID. For now, though, the invitation is to a Zoom meeting, a phone call, or a walk outside. I’m using a tool called Calendly to schedule these, but if you have any trouble with it, just call or email me to schedule. If there isn’t a time on here that works for you, let me know that as well!

Click here to schedule a meeting: https://calendly.com/revanne