Happy New Year!

The mashup of New Year, New Rector, and New Variant means that we have… A New Service Schedule beginning this week! I know we’re all tired of all the challenges and changes that this pandemic has brought (on days when I’m feeling positive, I can call them “invitations to adapt,” but I can’t pretend that I feel that positive every day!). So here we are, adapting again!

Thanks to those who completed the survey, the Worship Commission, and staff our for timely, helpful feedback in developing this schedule.

8:30 a.m.: An opportunity to gather in person as safely as possible

  • Organ/piano music only, with one Sunday per month without music. We may consider adding a recessional hymn once the case rate declines.
  • Service will be relatively short, and readers/preacher will leave their masks on. Communion will be brought to the congregation in their seats.

10:30 a.m.

The 10:30 service will still be the service that we livestream on Zoom and Facebook, and the service will be basically unchanged. We may consider adding the option to receive communion at the altar rail once COVID case rates decline. Likely we will be smaller in number and thus can spread out across the sanctuary and make singing together safer. John and I will also be working over the next couple of weeks to improve the sound and video quality of the livestream.

Communion Pick Up

If you’d like to receive communion at home while watching the livestream, please email me at revanne@saintclareschurch.org and we can arrange for you to pick up blessed bread at the church. I’d love to get to greet you in the parking lot!

Zoom Coffee Hour

I know there are some folks I haven’t met yet because you primarily worship via Zoom! If that’s you, please stay on Zoom after the service concludes this Sunday (January 9). Give me a few minutes to get to a computer, and I’ll join you for Zoom coffee hour.

One Week at a Time

Every indication is that this current surge will not last for very long, but that it will be a difficult month for our communities and especially our health care system. I encourage you to stay home and worship on Zoom for a few weeks until it is safer, especially if you are at any kind of elevated risk. Personally, I’m looking toward our Celebration of New Ministry service (Saturday, February 26 at 3pm!) as a date to hope we’ll be able to gather and celebrate these new beginnings in larger numbers.


I also continue to welcome your feedback as we live into this schedule and as the situation around us evolves. If we have to go through these times, I’m really glad to be going through them with such a creative and loving community.

In Hope,

Image by John Hain from Pixabay