On September 26th, Rev. Maryjane recognized our wonderful staff with this special prayer during our Sunday service. We appreciate their many efforts, and continue to pray for them during our transition. “Loving God, in your love for us, you sent your Son to be our shepherd, our brother and our Lord. You continue to show your love for us by sending us wonderful staff to care for our church and congregation. Bless Karen, John, Paul, Barb and Wendy as they continue to take up the many responsibilities as staff at St. Clare’s. They have been a treasure to us as they give of themselves in so many ways that we may not even be aware of. We appreciate all they do to keep St. Clare’s a welcoming, loving and vibrant church. Continue to guide them in their work, fill them with patience and love, and let your spirit of wisdom and understanding be with them, and give them joy and peace in their hearts. We ask this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, and out of our love of the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. Amen.”