Update Jan 9, 2025: An email was sent to participants on January 9 to finalize the dates / times for discussion groups to start in February. If you want to participate and *did not* get that email from Jennifer Wolf, please reach out to jwolf2000@gmail.com or bescoville@gmail.com.

In Jesus, God loved the whole world. In following Jesus, we love the whole world that God loves. Through creation, God gives us everything we need to grow and thrive, but God also gives us responsibility for the care and nurture of this world.

Are you concerned about the global climate emergency? You are not alone! To address these concerns, the Episcopal Church has created a Creation Care Curriculum entitled Love God, Love God’s World which draws on diverse approaches for our diverse contexts. This nine-session film-based curriculum is ideal for both newcomers and seasoned leaders. Modelled after Sacred Ground, each group will view the film content and then participate in guided discussions and reflections. For a list of films and content creators, go here: https://www.episcopalchurch.org/ministries/creation-care/love-god-love-gods-world-curriculum/.

Creation Care groups are forming now! We hope you will join us as we commit to the formation and restoration of a loving, liberating, life-giving relationship with all of creation. Register your interest at https://forms.office.com/r/63XFBMShrr. Sessions will begin mid-January.

— Barbara Scoville bescoville@gmail.com & Jennifer Wolf jwolf2000@gmail.com

Update Dec 30, 2024: We are getting ready to form discussion groups! Thanks to all who have registered their interest. Note that if you used the paper sheet at the usher table, please reach out to confirm that we have you registered. Despite our best of intentions, at some point the sheet was lost so we may be missing some registrations.