Although the Worship Committee has planned since summer to return to 2 in-person worship services (8 & 10:30) following Labor Day, Maryjane’s resignation has forced us to face the reality that supply clergy [priests whom we can hire to hold services after she leaves and before a new Rector is installed] are currently in very short supply. Furthermore, finding supply clergy who will do 2 services (and the first at 8am!) makes the search even more difficult.

The Staff and the Worship Committee have therefore decided to go back to a single service starting on October 3, when we can all celebrate Maryjane’s tenure with us together, and continuing until a new Rector can decide otherwise. This single service will be our current 10:30 one instead of the summer’s 10am. This later start time has several advantages: it allows us to return to 2 services in the future without having to change the later service again and it permits the Choir’s practice and Children’s Faith Formation to remain on their current schedules of 10:00 and 10:15, respectively.

This will be the service that will be live streamed via Zoom as well as recorded for posting on the church website. Apologies to all for the multiple changes in our Worship Schedule this year, but we’re hopeful that this will remain consistent throughout the fall.

Linda Klimach, Senior Warden