On April 18, the Whole Bible study group is starting a brand new course of study using N T Wright’s The New Testament in Its World: An introduction to the History, Literature, and Theology of the First Christians. This is indeed a weighty tome which has multiple uses such as increasing upper body strength or as a door stop but most of all, it can be used as a rich source of information about the Christian Testament. It can be ordered online both new and used and if anyone needs help with the purchase price, let us know. With the libraries closed that is not an option at this time. You will notice that a workbook and a DVD can also be ordered however we will be sending out workbook assignments for each chapter before every class and we will watch the lectures together. We will meet on the first and third Saturday mornings from 10 to 12 in the St Clare’s Zoom room. Pajamas, coffee, and pets ore welcome! For more information contact Barbara Scoville bescoville@gmail.com.