St. Clare’s Endowment Fund

St. Clare’s Endowment Fund stands at the ready for gifts of all kinds and sizes. Principally, however, parishioners and friends have used this Fund for major gifts of $100 to $25,000, to remember the church in their will or estate planning, to honor or remember a friend or relative for an accomplishment or at the time of their death, or to mark a significant life event such as an anniversary or birthday. Small gifts as well as large, collected and cared for responsibly, can grow and provide future opportunities that we can only imagine. Donations may be made by check or cash at any time through St. Clare’s Treasurer. Further information about the Fund, its history, personnel, practices, etc. may be requested of any Board member.

Once a year, the Endowment Fund Board disburses monies to projects intended to extend the mission and philosophy of St. Clare’s beyond the responsibilities of the church’s general fund budget. A request for proposals will go to the congregation in the spring.

Tax-deductible gifts to the St. Clare’s Endowment Fund are welcome throughout the year. Major gifts entitle the donors to membership in the Inez Wisdom Society, named in honor of the first major donor to St. Clare’s Episcopal Church, Inez Wisdom, M.D., on whose land the church stands today.